Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tongues; Short Message on Speaking in Tongues; I Corinthians 14

Message on tongues. Thank you for taking a look †

God approves also of tongues of course. Tongues, meaning languages/dialects (like what tongue do you speak)? were and are to get the Gospel out to all nations by the Disciples. I speak English if I go to Germany I would need an interpreter. No interpreter we cannot have communication. Just that simple. If this was not a gift we'd all be doing it. Some are proud of this very fact, too proud. The first desire should be to teach it correctly, building people up.

I Corinthians 14:2, what does unknown tongue mean? What did Paul say about it? 1) A language your not born with. 2) Unknown to others around.

Once again,

From I Corinthians 14:2 and on, it is a mystery (hidden) unfruitful if no one knows what it means. That person is only speaking to God and only God because of it, because no one else can understand it. That simple, common sense. Watch out for this today, many think they are in the spirit (the Holy Spirit) but speaking babble. What they are really doing is saying they have God's gift and Lording it over people i.e. they have something you cannot have. This is condemnation to others, and very cruel with many questioning salvation because of this.

God is not a time waster and does everything in order, with purpose, and no confusion. The unknown tongue simply means to other people, it is hidden and unknown to them in that sense. If one does this, they need to pray for interpretation just like Paul said. So that people can and will understand God's Word. COMMON SENSE in the Church is what is needed today.

Stop sounding like a "barbarian." That word actually means rude there in I Corinthians 14:11. Yes no manners at all, and extremely rude. If you're influenced by it thinking it's right you are on your road to possession. Way it is, way it will be. Let's respect the LORD and His Word.

Yes, we need to be firm on this truth and stand ground on it. I certainly do not want to see anyone deceived, and deceived when satan comes to claim to be Christ/God.

This just an overview. We will have a verse by verse target study of I Corinthians 14 up soon. But I wanted to post this now. If you think you differ, look me up. Try and prove me wrong. But it better make sense, and be able to explain verse by verse. You will not find anything inconsistent with this message here.

Note: The cloven tongue on Pentecost Day was for all peoples in their particular dialect/language to hear, that is the point. Only God can do that as well. Cloven from the Greek means going out in many directions. It will be this way again when God's elect are delivered up to satan claiming to be Christ/God for a testimony against him, and the one world religious system/new world order.

(Acts 2:3-6) "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

5And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

6Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language."


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