Thank you for taking a look †
Christian says/asks, "I temporarily went back to sin "backslid" (missing the mark) and messed up, now what"?
The LORD, "Don't say you need to be saved again, or make up for your sins--making up for lost time, repent and move on." Continue on now serving Christ. We don't redeem ourselves, but we do try and make it right with people if we sinned against them in this process. We could go further but we'll leave it there. Because this is solely focused on Christians and what we need to do. Below will focus some on others in how they should be operating as Christians.
(I John 2:1-2) "My little children, these things write I unto you, that
ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate (plead our case,
our sin debt) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
2And he is the propitiation (to appease, make peace) for our sins
(missing the mark): and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the
whole world."
Meaning the advocate Christ is there, we need to call on Him back to good standing with our Father.
You sin you need to repent. Unlike some
false teaching saying you do not need to repent. All your sins are
forgiven in the future. That's a lie taken out of context abusing the grace giving license to sin. They need to balance Scripture correctly. Using grace as an excuse, is still making the cross null and void. We are to be following Christ, serving Christ. Did Christ sin, serve sin? Serve us sin? This should be basic Christianity 101 i.e. elementary principle things of salvation per Hebrews 6:1-3.
After you repent God does not want to hear about it again. This is
doubting His forgiveness and Christ' work on the cross.
Now, imagine a judge saying you go free. Here's the icing on the cake, if you will--the judge arranged it to be paid. By not forgiving ourselves lets see here what we're saying to the judge; 1) Who stands up there and questions they judge? The Lord want us to admit it to Him, and whoever else we wronged--sinned against. Then we go free, your free. Who stands there and says to THE JUDGE you want to rethink that? 2) the Judge arranged it to be paid, but not recognizing that as well by not forgiving self for your sins. What a forgiving judge we have here? Amen. There is not a criminal on the planet who would not feel a huge sense of relief, appreciation, burden, and burden of not knowing relieved, and gone. Absolute joy! God is love :) (I John 4:8-11).
As it is not forgiving self is nonsense. We must view this in the eyes of God. Quite frankly, before salvation we don't even know to forgive, nor what to forgive for as well. The Lord has let you go free, let yourself go free. You going to put yourself in prison after THE JUDGE says go free? Nope. You paid it off by belief in Christ and repenting through HIS sacrifice being cleared by our Father.
Now, Christian to Christian:
(Matthew 18:32-34) "Then his lord, after
that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave
thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
Through desire/motives. They longed for forgiveness, and found the way out from their sins. But here they have become judge being guilty themselves. That's what we were before salvation (judging by our own standards, not having forgiveness for ourselves, thus others). They are doing it again.
33Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?"
Pity = Mercy. God's feelings came first in His plan at the cross for mankind. Compassion gave to mercy (freeing from judgment), and mercy gave to grace (unmerited kindness, THE GIFT of God).
So, as it is they are saying they won't have mercy on someone who the Lord has mercy on and then grace.
34And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him."
The LORD is furious and angry over this. Who wouldn't be?
The point is here they are going pay. Why? Christ paid the ransom and the cross but it's not good enough and not working. So God does not cast them away in the sense of not being a Christian anymore. But they are going to see what it's like bearing the burden of their sins once again. They need to, taking us back before salvation.
What else does this mean? Their going to be sent to satan and his evil
spirits/messengers, approved by God. This is an actual favor by God
reaching out in every way so a person repents getting that pride out of them. Christ paid the debt free
on the cross for you. But that's not working in this case.
Who are we not to forgive another? Seeing as how
they repented. Having pity is to have mercy upon a person being released from judgment by THE JUDGE. They asked for forgiveness, and said they were sorry being remorseful. So the Lord forgave them, but you will not?
(This should take one back to the very foundation of forgiveness at the cross. Where we started. Christ paid the price in full in ransom, and it is being abused by the person who refuses to forgive another servant of Christ. That happens, they are going to pay for it themselves. Back to the very foundation where Christians begin. We are not to leave that grace forgetting where we came from)!
Back to original question. Do not think you need to be saved again:
(Hebrews 6:4-6) "For it is impossible for those
who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and
were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
(This also talking about being "stuck" on the salvation message that is milk. Really teachers? your going to keep teaching what you think is a saved person the salvation message week after week? Does the 1st grader graduate on up once they get it? STOP holding them back).
5And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
(They got a taste = some milk. For deeper understanding not only go back to Hebrews 6:1 but chapter 5).
6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing
they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open
(Because of lack of understanding going back to sin. Which is why we're covering this part as well. The lack of growth through discipline (disciple) not moving onto the meat (just as in life we grow up and mature in the World sense, we do as Christians).
(So what happens when a first grader knows the curriculum but held back for no reason? You see, the false teachers do everything to dissuade and discourage people from moving on in God's Word. So they are stuck at salvation asking this question. "Do I need to be saved again"? No, no, no. Let's repent and move on learning the rest of the Word that is not directly due to salvation).
(Finally, don't say you need to repent unto
salvation/be saved again. It's an impossibility because Christ did not
fail being sinless. Obviously, saying you need to be saved again is
saying Christ failed, putting Christ to shame. Christ won the victory, and for this reason. But don't let that grace being an excuse testing God going back to sin).
So, from both angles overall we're to look back where we came from without thinking and saying we need to be saved again. As Christians we do not repent to salvation. But repentance in reproof (conviction) with correction from the Lord's Word growing (instruction in righteousness). The LORD loves sincere effort.
Amen †
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Faith by Works; Working For the Lord
James (the physical and spiritual brother of the Lord Jesus Christ) covering so many facets of faith, and what it means to respond in faith. Thank you for taking a look †
(James 2:18-20) "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Saying one has faith/belief but doing nothing about it. Faith should cause one to move, cause and effect. Just as any employment, you don't show up you have no payment coming. How could we expect anything different with the Lord? Never, it's always more with the Lord than with man.
(In other words, works is the evidence that we're on the job producing (doers of the word) being in production on the job. Whatever we do (in our jobs we have to bring in income), we don't work for man, we work for the Lord in our hearts and minds. This of course is freedom. Not being in bondage to any man. Remember the exchange between Christ and the Pharisees in John chapter 8 as well. Moreover, working for man in mind is always the carrot on the stick to which can never be reached. No true satisfaction can never be achieved. Working for the Lord, doing a good job is nothing but satisfaction. Being pleasing to the Lord. He is proud of you giving it your all. Showing He can trust you to get the job done. One reference; Matthew 25:14-30; the Parable of the Talents).
(That being said, do we want to be pleasing or disappoint the Lord? Christ was sacrificed so that we may have relationship with the Lord first. Then do our works through that faith/belief therein Christ showing us the way first).
19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils (satan and his messengers) also believe, and tremble.
The word believe here is used in the sense of acknowledging existence from the Greek (pisteuĊ). Of course, satan and his messengers evil spirits/demons know God exists, they rebelled against the Lord following satan at his rebellion in the first Heaven and Earth age. In other words they have no faith that produces being workers for the Lord. Matter of fact satan was the anointed cherub that covered--protecting the throne of God was his position/job. But pride entered and he wanted to be God, doing it in his own way--no works for God. satan was to be a priest for the Lord. References; Isaiah 14:13-14; Ezekiel 28:14-15; Job 38:7; Revelation 12:3-4, to name a few.
(They believe He exists of course, but are struck in constant fear of him now. Horrified of their judgment to the lake of fire to come, and the condemnation they are in. Physically speaking, likened to doing wrong committing murder, then a sentence of execution hanging over the head (mind), weighing you (soul, inner being) down day in, and day out in complete misery. Let's not go the way they are going).
20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
No purpose to them = meaningless. To what end? Working for self being in disobedience just as satan (the prince of demons), and the demons (satan's messengers). They want to follow their own way, not working for the Lord as well. This is not to say one has an evil spirit being possessed. But they are surely are being influenced. To be possessed you have to invite them in whether knowingly or not, letting them have their way with you. Then the real torture begins. Just as the torture and condemnation they are in, they like to pay it forward too.
Amen †
(James 2:18-20) "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Saying one has faith/belief but doing nothing about it. Faith should cause one to move, cause and effect. Just as any employment, you don't show up you have no payment coming. How could we expect anything different with the Lord? Never, it's always more with the Lord than with man.
(In other words, works is the evidence that we're on the job producing (doers of the word) being in production on the job. Whatever we do (in our jobs we have to bring in income), we don't work for man, we work for the Lord in our hearts and minds. This of course is freedom. Not being in bondage to any man. Remember the exchange between Christ and the Pharisees in John chapter 8 as well. Moreover, working for man in mind is always the carrot on the stick to which can never be reached. No true satisfaction can never be achieved. Working for the Lord, doing a good job is nothing but satisfaction. Being pleasing to the Lord. He is proud of you giving it your all. Showing He can trust you to get the job done. One reference; Matthew 25:14-30; the Parable of the Talents).
(That being said, do we want to be pleasing or disappoint the Lord? Christ was sacrificed so that we may have relationship with the Lord first. Then do our works through that faith/belief therein Christ showing us the way first).
19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils (satan and his messengers) also believe, and tremble.
The word believe here is used in the sense of acknowledging existence from the Greek (pisteuĊ). Of course, satan and his messengers evil spirits/demons know God exists, they rebelled against the Lord following satan at his rebellion in the first Heaven and Earth age. In other words they have no faith that produces being workers for the Lord. Matter of fact satan was the anointed cherub that covered--protecting the throne of God was his position/job. But pride entered and he wanted to be God, doing it in his own way--no works for God. satan was to be a priest for the Lord. References; Isaiah 14:13-14; Ezekiel 28:14-15; Job 38:7; Revelation 12:3-4, to name a few.
(They believe He exists of course, but are struck in constant fear of him now. Horrified of their judgment to the lake of fire to come, and the condemnation they are in. Physically speaking, likened to doing wrong committing murder, then a sentence of execution hanging over the head (mind), weighing you (soul, inner being) down day in, and day out in complete misery. Let's not go the way they are going).
20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
No purpose to them = meaningless. To what end? Working for self being in disobedience just as satan (the prince of demons), and the demons (satan's messengers). They want to follow their own way, not working for the Lord as well. This is not to say one has an evil spirit being possessed. But they are surely are being influenced. To be possessed you have to invite them in whether knowingly or not, letting them have their way with you. Then the real torture begins. Just as the torture and condemnation they are in, they like to pay it forward too.
Amen †
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I Thessalonians 4:17 Study; False Rapture/Pre-trib Rapture Doctrine
There are two questions being answered here:
1) Where are the physically dead in Christ?
A: They are in Heaven, on the good side of the gulf. YHVH, is the God of the living, not the dead. No one's soul and spirit is 6 feet under laying in the ground right now. After physical death we get temporarily judged. To the Good or bad side of the gulf. No one is burning in the lake of fire now either. The Great White Throne Judgment is not even until after the Millennium. Christ 1,000-year reign on Earth. Unbeliever are on the bad side of the gulf.
2) What is to become of us who are alive when Christ comes back?
A: The first resurrection, with the cloud of witnesses. Moreover, Christ brings them physically dead with HIM. They are resurrected first naturally because they are there, and they are coming here! This is the first resurrection gathered back to Christ. Anything else? Is false teaching.
The beginning subject; (I Thessalonians 4:13-14) "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."
The last trumpet is of course number 7. This is why we are to study, learn, then share the awesome book of Revelation. Revelation means to uncover/unveil, as it is revealed to the saints.
What you will see is ALL of Scripture is consistent with Christ coming with the clouds. Many more besides what is listed here. And of course, we always need a second witness/cross reference. Not some one verse private interpretation. Which is what the rapture/pre trib rapture doctrine is exactly.
The rapture theory was invented by a 13 year old girl named Margaret MacDonald (sick and all evidence suggests she was possessed) in 1830. Two preachers there took her false dream and ran with it. Which has turned out to be a nightmare, and will be a nightmare come true for many if they continue to believe in this theory of a doctrine. Being set straight-up to believe and worship satan as Christ/God when he comes for the 3 woe trumpets. They simply do not know what is to come. We are to be sealed with the truth. Seal = knowledge and understanding of the events before they happen being protected from satan. Examples; (Hebrews 12:1) "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
An OT reference? concerning satan wanting to be GOD over the people, and be God, and claim to be God.
(Isaiah 14:14) "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
(satan wanted to be God over all God's creation--the people. This of course at satan's rebellion in the first Heaven age from Heaven (3 Heaven and Earth ages for another study). All the same timing, all the same event here below:
I Corinthians 15:52 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
The last trump is the furthest out trump. That of course is the 7th trumpet. The last of the 3 woe trumps. The woe trumps are 5, 6, and 7. (Revelation 8:13-9:1; 9:13; 11:15).
I Thessalonians 4:17, air = to blow breath of life. Because it's the first resurrection! They are figures of speech. Obviously so, as no one will literally suspend forever in the clouds in the air with other believers with Christ forever. How is that possible when the rest of scripture is inconsistent to that? Christ is coming here for the Millennium then the eternity. TO EARTH. NOT FOREVER IN THE CLOUDS. (Revelation 21). "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." (Matthew 5:5).
Other references of many; (Daniel 7:13) "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him."
(Revelation 1:7) "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."
(Mark 13:24-26) "But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
25And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
26And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory."
In closing, the subject in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 does not even end there (hence the clause in verse 5:1). In chapter 5 we're told what it will be like when Christ comes back. They will be saying, "peace and safety." On account of satan's message of world peace and lying temporary promises of the things of the World. Christ comes as a thief in the night there, unexpectedly to them because they did not stay on watch.
Paul tells us we should completely know this. That is the order of events.
(I Thessalonians 5:1-3) "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Coming up we will also do I Thessalonians 4:16 and the midnight cry there in combination with Matthew 25:6 (at midnight there was a cry made). Referring to when Christ comes, the angel cries out. Hence Christ coming like a thief in the night. Christ says He comes back between 2nd and 3rd watch. That is between 9pm and 3am. Hence the midnight cry. First watch = 9pm to midnight. Second watch = midnight to 3am.
Preview: (Luke 12:37-38) "Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
38And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.
Amen †
Monday, July 28, 2014
Ephesians 6:12; Gospel Armor: Why Do We Put the Gospel Armor On?
Thank you for taking a look!!!
(Ephesians 6:12) 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
This an extremely important study.
(The Christian struggle. We don't throw down with people's flesh. Not if satan has their mind. That's a battle that can't be won. Please look me up on every reference. That would be putting the Gospel Armour on. Filling ourselves with the Word of God, increasing faith from the start, that shield of faith. Which protects first then we go on the attack spiritually).
(Evil spirits have a hierarchy. They communicate and report to each other. What are they communicating? Strategy to take you down. We must think of this in military terms with their hierarchy. Under a spiritual attack both satan and the Lord know what is taking place).
(They cannot enter a Christians body with the Holy Spirit. Yes, there all false teachers who teach this, and be careful they will be adamant about it. Christ taught that it cannot happen. Naturally it defies common sense. The Holy Spirit is the absolute assurance we're rid of that mess of darkness. At best these false preachers/teachers have been influenced and deceived by satan and the evil spirits/evil messengers and in serious of danger of the next step which is possession. Christ laid this out in Luke 11:14-23. These false teachers need to be rebuked (and corrected) themselves for trying to bring this condemnation on others. The darkness cannot even have comprehend the light).
Now, they can and will try to influence from the outside to enter you. That's their goal. God says use the sword for a reason, we go for the kill against satan (the prince of demons) and his evil spirits/messengers. Remember satan's first method is always doubt. Which is why faith is first (above all the shield of faith), and faith protects, then we go on the attack. This is not the time to be asking why God? Why me? Why you is because satan does not have you and he wants you. Stand up for Christ then yourself. Who goes to battle then lays on the ground and says, "why me"? In an emergency situation being attacked natural is we protect then attack. We fight to stay alive. So, that much more spiritually for the Father through Christ.
Go all the way back to the garden of Eden (Genesis 3). satan's biggest m.o. is to cast doubt with God's Word(s) to you. Through that the next step is you being disobedient. Note: satan has many methods if they are not being "nice" to lure you in, then you've got them mad. Good, now finish the job on them with the Sword--the Word of God in Jesus the Christ name. Psalm 23 and 37 (side by sides--one for the righteous, one for the wicked and where they are going, their plots exposing them) are awesome chapters. The power is in Jesus the Christ name in obedience. (The sword exposes their condition; Hebrew 4:12-13, which is why they run, and fear you. That is where you want to get with them.
(Want to hate something that is right? Hate them for even thinking they can mess with you. satan and his are the quitters, Christians are can-do. We stand up).
(Where are they trying to take People? The darkness of condemnation they are in. Misery loves company. They can only do what we allow. Christ paid ultimate price for you to put the "smack down" on them. It's part of the equation. We are not to rejoice over the power as pride will then enter, but rejoice where the power comes from. That is in Heaven on account of Christ overcoming satan (death) on the cross, and resurrected (life) to the right hand of the Father). (Luke 10:18-19; Hebrews 2:14-15; 2:18).
(If this is something, satan and his fallen angels are coming in the flesh (the woe trumpets) (Revelation 12:7-9). We don't fear dead men walking. The battle is already won, the Lord is in control. The battle belongs to the Lord. He won it already. A foregone conclusion. Now that's confidence through faith, and that my friends the absence of fear when we have complete (perfect) love for Christ for what He did for us. You don't fear losing something you've already won).
Anoint and bless with olive oil: yourself-temple; your house, doorways-rooms; property line. In Jesus the Christ name. It's not the olive oil that does it. But obedience in using it. Exodus 25, and 30:22 and on lays it all out. This is why the disciples then apostles did the same. satan, the fallen angels, and evil spirits messengers are disobedient. They know the Word, but not through obedience. They know how to twist the Word. That's the difference.
Gospel Armor; The Shield of Faith
Buckler is the shield. The shield of course is faith where it begins. Being protected from satan. Defend first, then we go the attack. Here we're given all the battle and war time places of protection.
For example high tower place of refuge, to see the enemy coming from a distance on watch over looking all. Staying on watch so that Christ may find you with faith when HE comes back.
(Ephesians 6:16) "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts (arrows) of the wicked."
Above all because it begins with faith. Without faith we have no defenses. Defenses of course are the first step in any military, and for any soldier individually.
So, with satan's attack with faith we defend, block, suppress it. Sticking that shield out--faith--right in his face. And on his way in he can do nothing, as he gets closer in distance. That's what the sword is for go for the kill under spiritual (mental) attack. In Yeshua the Christos name.
When Christ said ALL power over the enemy HE meant it.
The word of God exposes him in Christ' name that is why he runs (Hebrews 4:12-13). A coward. satan is the quitter, Mr. self-defeat himself. we are CAN-DO.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Marriage - Staying Faithful to Christ
At some point early on in life we all have this fantasy, fairy tale about being hopeful romantics when it comes to marriage. Deep down longings to have the perfect marriage. This is why Christ is God in the flesh, and no one has ever came close to teaching what the human heart and minds need, and there relationship to God and what God gives. God being the human heart and mind know-er.
(Isaiah 64:6) "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away."
(That rag is of course, a garment here. Which is why we put on that garment of salvation--clothes--covering us with Christ. Not being naked. And found naked when Christ comes back. Because of believing in one's heart and mind that satan is Christ/God).
Fade as a leaf, that's a season. Come spring everyone is hopeful, but that hope dies quick in the changing of seasons as everything is soon to die. A leaf changes colors then falls to the ground, the hope is gone.
The trees do not get enough sunlight (Christ is the light of the world) and water (living water), and cold starts to set in. symbolic for being cold, and cold-hearted.
Not so with the Lord, the hope beginning at salvation is not a, "Well, I hope so." But a knowing and understanding hope.
Our iniquities here = lawlessness. we're empty, that first gust of wind from the storm blown away, like a dead leaf.
(Matthew 24:12-13) "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."
(Now, we are to imagine being married, giving that commitment. But whoring out and fornicating with satan. Cheating on your husband, then being caught red-handed. How do you think God feels? Doesn't everyone say, "Honey, I'm sorry"?
(I would not call God "honey", though, obviously).
(There is no human being on this planet who would not feel shame from that. The problem is we all carry shame at one point. God removes that after belief/repentance, we are no longer ashamed, and certainly will not be ashamed, apologetic, sorry for the Word of God in front of those who need to get with it, and stop play-acting. As if they are not totally broken without the Lord. Morally bankrupt, love the world over God, will sell people out to gain according to their situation. Lie, cheat, and steal to get to the top, self-righteous do-gooders when convenient for them and to look righteous. Saying your one thing in location A, location B, a different person, different set of morals).
This is why the shame of Christ when HE comes back, and being ashamed of His words. They have not dealt with their own guilt and shame, then turning it around to help others. I will NEVER be ashamed of the power of the cross through Christ to the Father. The cross is true love to us, therefore responding is the beginning of true love to God first, then people.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
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